Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is the greatest holiday of the year, in my opinion. I always joke that it is because all you have to do to celebrate it is EAT. But actually, to set aside one day a year when you are truly thankful for what you have and who you have has to be an incredible gift!

For me, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade has always been the benchmark that ushered in the holiday season for me. My mom wouldn't let us sing Christmas songs until Santa came at the end of the parade. Still today, I watch the parade every Thanksgiving morning, and then Andy Williams' Sleighride is all cued up to play at the end of the parade.

I will admit that I have tuned in to KOSI a bit prematurely over the past few years, but that is ONLY because I tend to get a little of my Christmas shopping done before the Black Friday rush. And I absolutely CAN'T wrap presents without having White Christmas (the movie) playing in the backgound. (It's my most viewed Christmas movie, with While You Were Sleeping running a close didn't think that was a Christmas move????? Better watch it again...)

I'm all about holiday traditions. (And check a future blog for my feelings about the word "Holiday".) There's succotash and homemade cranberry sauce, turkey and all the fixin's, but this year I put my foot down on marshmallow yams. Please don't abuse that poor tubor any longer! He's a proud, succulent vegetable. To be covered with cinnamon, brown sugar and marshmallows is demeaning!!! Bake or roast him, add a little salt, pepper and butter, and let him stand on his own flavor!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you, and may this holiday season be among the best you ever remember!

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