Friday, January 15, 2010

Making Time for Time

The concept of "Time" just may be quoted, lamented and sung about more than any other than "Love". Time Changes Everything. All good things come in Time. Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is. See? It's a very important faction of our lives. We never have enough Time. Yet we find ourselves wishing it away, second by second. "I'll be glad when Friday's here" (it's here now - any better?) "If I could just get through this day!" (By God's Grace, there'll be another right after it.)

One phrase I used all through my youth was "I hope how soon...". "I hope how soon my birthday comes"; "I hope how soon morning comes"; "I hope how soon I grow up and get to make my own decisions". A colloquialism, I'm sure. Someone told me once that the phrase made absolutely no sense at all, that the words were in the wrong order. That made me feel badly at the time, but in hindsight, it was indicitive of her personality in general, not in my odd choice of words. Nonetheless, I was wishing away Time from an early age.

We need to hold onto Time when we can, savoring every delightful moment and learning from each sorrowful one. As much as we have control, we should not allow hurt or anger or even lethargy for that matter, to steal away these precious moments of our lives. Rejoice in what Time has brought you in a day rather than the elements that caused it to slip away.

(Now go back and replace the word Time with God....Time is a Gift He's Given - don't wish it away!)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Is the New Year Still New?

This year has flown already, and we are already at the 12th of the month - almost halfway through. My hope is that you have developed your New Year's plan and are well on your way to accomplishing it. Me - I don't know. I've been traveling all month, so I'm checking off the days by the Frontier flights I've survived. I already knew that Republic didn't have the same flight ethics as Frontier. But flying to Milwaukee, I realized that Midwest had taken over Frontier as well - and I'm not happy about that at all!!!! Someone told me that Midwest gives you fresh baked cookies. Didn't happen. And the Midwest E190 plane didn't even have a tv, which was a perk for Classic flyers.

My New Year's Plan - some I can't say. Suffice it to say that if I won the lottery, my family's world would be forever changed. Change is called for, though, even when we don't have a million dollar boost behind us. My sons are both talking of leaving Denver in 2010. I'm cool with that, although there are times I will miss them greatly. Worrying doesn't stop when they leave the state...

No worries, though. We are connected via email and our cells. Communication is really not a problem if people want to do so. Phil and Rob - just don't txt saying you need money..... :)