Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Is the New Year Still New?

This year has flown already, and we are already at the 12th of the month - almost halfway through. My hope is that you have developed your New Year's plan and are well on your way to accomplishing it. Me - I don't know. I've been traveling all month, so I'm checking off the days by the Frontier flights I've survived. I already knew that Republic didn't have the same flight ethics as Frontier. But flying to Milwaukee, I realized that Midwest had taken over Frontier as well - and I'm not happy about that at all!!!! Someone told me that Midwest gives you fresh baked cookies. Didn't happen. And the Midwest E190 plane didn't even have a tv, which was a perk for Classic flyers.

My New Year's Plan - some I can't say. Suffice it to say that if I won the lottery, my family's world would be forever changed. Change is called for, though, even when we don't have a million dollar boost behind us. My sons are both talking of leaving Denver in 2010. I'm cool with that, although there are times I will miss them greatly. Worrying doesn't stop when they leave the state...

No worries, though. We are connected via email and our cells. Communication is really not a problem if people want to do so. Phil and Rob - just don't txt saying you need money..... :)

1 comment:

  1. ah, change. I love this quote which summarized my thoughts when I left MDA and life in Aurora for Mongolia: "All change, however longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can live another" Anatole France You know I'm praying for you :)
